Disk Space
Learn more about what disk space is really within the hosting business.
Anytime you upload data on a web hosting server, it requires a certain amount of space on the hard disk dependent on its size. In case you operate a script-driven website which stores its info in a database, it will need more disk space, the more people make use of it. For instance, if you have a message board, the more comments people write, the greater the database will be. Email messages, in particular ones using attachments, also need some space in the web hosting account. The disk space quota that you get with any cloud web hosting supplier is the full amount of information you could have at any given moment, it consists of website files, e-mail messages and databases. Similarly, a PC has a hard disk and the computer programs installed on it plus all the documents and / or music files that you generate or download require space, which can't surpass the total capacity of your hard disk.
Disk Space in Cloud Web Hosting
All of our cloud web hosting packages were created with the idea that not enough disk space shouldn't be something that will prevent the progress of your websites. For that reason we have applied an approach which is different from the one that most hosting suppliers take - rather than making a range of accounts on one server and eventually running out of hard disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is handled by a whole cluster of servers. Because of this, we're able to add more machines if they're required and / or more hard disk drives, to offer additional disk space for all of the files of our customers. Individual clusters manage the email messages as well as your databases, so not only can you enhance your websites without worrying about space, but also all of the servers will operate better and faster as each service has its own space and a single server does not handle various kinds of files.